a) Never trust a boss who hires his girlfriend
b) Good bosses bring people together; bad bosses create wedges between people
c) Always read the fine print
d) Every problem is a blessing in disguise
e) People come and go, but friends and family are forever
f) Love becomes stronger when it is challenged
g) Some people are full of darkness. Don't let their darkness dim your light
h) There is no better feeling in the world than to love unconditionally
i) Forgiveness means moving on
j) Life is fragile, love is endless
k) Don't be afraid to ask for help
l) There are many paths to achieving a dream. When one ends, another begins
m) Skills are like tools, the more you have the more you can do
n) Don't let people with ulterior motives tell you that you are not good enough
o) It doesn't matter how long it takes, as long as you are always moving toward your goal
p) Ignorance is contagious
q) Answers often present themselves on their own
r) Don't react to people's words. Always think before you say anything
s) Family is your bond to the past and the future
t) The Leafs suck and will probably suck for many years to come. Live with it.
u) "Me time" can be done anywhere. Even on the bus/train
v) Cat are complicated animals
w) The holidays are for treating yourself
x) When an opportunity presents itself, take it or someone else will
y) Fine stout is a beautiful thing
z) If people don't like something about you that's their problem, not yours