You don't know me, but I certainly know you. You are a rock icon of the highest order and I am some dude who writes a blog about music. To say that I am a fan of you Mr. Reed would be an understatement... I freakin' worship you sir! Your insane career, your legendary albums, your completely forgettable albums and everything in between. Basically, you're the man.
But let's not kid ourselves here Lou. Praise is not the only reason I'm writing this letter. To put it quite frankly, I just don't get you sometimes. I adore everything you ever did with the Velvets and I can't believe how awesome albums like Transformer and Berlin are. Hell, I even thrown on Metal Machine Music once a year to clean out my music listening colon... That album is the sciznitch! But then something happen to you after that Lou; we kinda lost you for a while. Sure there were some pretty decent tracks here and there, but you put out some pretty strange albums that didn't really go anywhere too. I mean what was with The Bells and The Blue Mask? I'm sorry to tell you that I could only stomach 1 or 2 listens of those albums before they found a permanent spot on my shelf. And those weren't the only ones! There were many more albums for about 15 years that were just as disappointing as the previous ones. I was beginning to think that you and Dylan were fighting for 80's mediocrity.
And then something happened Lou. I don't know what, but you put out an album called New York and it was like you were brought back to life. You actually cared again! You told us what you thought of Minister Farrakhan and the polluted Hudson and oh how we rejoiced at your return! Then you put out Magic and Loss and it was like Lou was back in full form! You were the proverbial MAN once again. But just like that you disappeared again with more questionable work in Set the Twilight Reeling, Ecstasy and that "kinda cool but we're really not sure what to think of it" album, The Raven. Lou, I think a very serious "WTF" is in order.
Don't get me wrong, this is not hate mail. My love for you is endless and you will always be my number one. Even if you made a concert in the park that only dogs could hear I would still love you. Oh wait, you did that too... shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit...
In spite of my confusion, I think I get you. You're an artist and a complex man and as such you're bound to put out a few shit balls between gems... I get that. I'm not asking for another Transformer, and I think we all don't want another metal Machine Music. I'm just asking for a little more consistency and and a lot less forgettable stuff.
Looking forward to your reply,
I thought Eat Pray Love was pretty good for a movie.
ReplyDelete- Lou Fucking Reed
PS. Holla!