Thursday, September 23, 2010

Top 5 Favorite Smiths Songs

To most people the 80s were all about trite pop music, weak sitcoms and bizarre fashion statements, but to me it was an incredible decade for music and creativity. From the emergence of Hip-hop to the incredible punk and post-punk music. But most of all, the 80s will mainly be the decade of the Smiths. In my mind, not other band did so much with so little. While they only put out a little more than a a few dozen singles and 4 lps, the Smiths left a permanent mark on popular music and will be forever remembered. Therefore, because of this I have decided to compile a list of my top 5 favourite Smiths songs.

5. Panic- At the end of this song, Morrissey repeats the line "hang the DJ, hang the DJ" and in my mind, no other song of the 80s represents the discontent with the failings of popular music to reflect real life. Believe me, this catchy little tune stays in your head.

4. Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want- A sad, but delightful tune that rocks the mandolin harder than you've ever heard. This song gives "short, but sweet" a whole new meaning.

3. Cemetery Gates- Being a former English major, I welcome any song that references Oscar Wilde, Keats and Yeats. I love the juxtaposition of life/death in this song and I can't think of a more clever line in a song than:
You say: "ere long done do does did"
Words which could only be your own
And then you then produce the text
From whence was ripped some dizzy whore, 1804

2. What Difference Does it Make?- Is it possible for a song to kick as much ass as this one? That opening guitar line is the kind of thing dreams are made of and the lyrics are about as angry and spiteful and you will ever heard. I love this song!

1. Rubber Ring- An unexpected pick, but this song is just so damn cool! It doesn't really sound like most other Smiths songs and demonstrates how truly unique this band was. I also love the sample at the end. It seems to speak for everything the Smiths were against. LOVE IT!


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